Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe

I always want to spend weekend without going to the mall..My boys are actually not quite interested to go but since their mom kind a lazy and not too creative, we sometime end up walking to the mall again and again...I promised myself to start WWM - Weekend Without Mall campaign...The hubby is also not a mall type and a picky eater..he loves traditional foods and he'll bit clueless to pick mall foods whenever we go...

Last holiday we went to Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe at La Piazza Kelapa Gading..it's the part of Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival..The hubby was quite enthusiastic spending time there with tempting food choices..tahu gejrot, rujak beubeug, kue leker, soto mie theresia, kelapa muda & otak2 petojo, soto udang akwang, es duren sakinah, bola ubi madu, pindang patin Sari Sanjaya and many more..it's open air with traditional theme surrounding, and we could exchange our money with old-fashioned designed money from 1, 5, 10 and 20..nice!

Unfortunately, we went there wrong timing, we reached at 1100 am where the open air place was really..really hot! My boys enjoyed without complaining but me started sweating like a monkey..aha!  I yawned the hubby to move to the mall for lunch, so as soon as he finished his soto mie, we ran to have lunch at the mall..cooler mall!  Well...my WWM turned out to be WWaWM - Weekend With and Without Mall! what a life.....