I spent my last weekend doing make over on my dining table. I was planning this since ages and had called my handyman to do it. The plan was just a scrapbook from pictures I found here and there . I never had a chance to think and plan carefully what kind of color to use, where should I buy it, how I am going to mix the color to fit to my imagination and so on...everything was just popping up, clueless in my head...
Until last weekend, my handyman was calling me to urge for the makeover as he did not have any spare time. I was just rushing to the nearest store, picked up any available colors, leave everything to my handyman and went to spend my weekend elsewhere..
You know what happened next? Just checked the series of pictures...he was wrongly painting the table and the chairs all in yellow! (hiks!)
I then urged the handyman to re-paint the chair in red...welllll, it went all wrong,again! The red was too bright, I wanted to be a little bit darker, maybe a bit maroon should be nicer...I felt like I am sitting in a kindergarten class (sigh!)
Anyway...I tried not to regret it, and will take a detail plan onwards. I am planning to change the color in dark blue, someday...
The table was my mom-in law's actually and I was crossing my finger that she won't be jumping around when she looks at the color makeover...love u, mom! XOXO!